On 13 March 2023 JPG had the opportunity to fly the flag for UK Life Sciences by collaborating with Office for Life Sciences (OLS), Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC) and Department for Business and Trade (DBAT) on a second UK/Japan Life Sciences Roundtable.

Hosted by Minister Will Quince and Sir John Bell,  our members were represented by global leaders in R&D who heard from an eminent panel of speakers.

Our thanks to Dame June Raine, MHRA, Professor Matt Brown, Genomics England, Dr Adrian Ivinson, UK Dementia Research Institute and Dr Andy Roddam, Our Future Health, who provided expert insight and answered participants questions.

The rich discussion demonstrated the great appetite among our member companies for continued engagement with UK Life Sciences.

A key takeaway was the importance of collaboration - across research disciplines, between private and public sectors and through linkage of data. And tellingly, greater opportunities than ever for fostering partnership between UK and Japanese discovery research which can only be a good thing.